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About Us

About Us

Red, White & Blue Bakery is a patriotic bakery that seeks to enhance the morale and welfare for military families. We employ USMIL spouses who face a staggering 75% under/unemployment rate. We also are aware of the emotional hardships USMIL families face, which is why we focus on the mental health and wellness of these employees.

As the Bakery unofficially started, the Bakery will continue its give back to our Heroes, which is why the Red, White & Blue Bakery Foundation exists. This allows for us to enhance the morale and welfare of USMIL families, while helping morale of Heroes, and all other aspects to better the United States of America.

Our History

Red, White & Blue Bakery unofficially started in 2015 when the Central Intelligence Agency’s Counterterrorism Mission Center was fighting ISIS. The war crimes that ISIS were committing were much more gruesome and severe than what the Warfighters had been seeing and experiencing for the last 14 years at this point; one of the Warfighters reach out to Nora at Headquarters lamenting how bad the morale was and asked if some cookies could be sent in hopes of boosting morale.

She was on it, and cookies were sent with the next Warfighter flying out. Again and again, same requests were being asked, and internally it was being joked as Operation Dessert Storm. Again, unofficially Red, White & Blue Bakery was started after May 31 and June 1, 2020; when 61 Secret Service personnel were injured due to uncivil riots.

As We Grow

The morale amongst the Secret Service and all Law Enforcement was tanked. Not knowing how to help, Nora reached out to a Secret Service friend asking if she could drop off cookies. For roughly a year on a bi-weekly basis cookies were delivered to help boost morale. It was at this point, of many urgent requests to start a bakery and countless thank you’s that Red, White & Blue Bakery was crafted into being.

Today, Red, White & Blue Bakery lives on the premise of honoring all who serve to protect our Freedoms and Rights as American people. Especially considering the Global Wars on Terrorism; we seek to honor those who served and give dignity to those who never came home.